It was not meant to be eaten like corn on the cob, but after he had his first one, Noah said to me "Mom, I want a big one, don't cut mine up little!" So he just went after it. Kenna didn't care for them much, but that was only after Daddy threw a fit over it having asparagus in it, which apparently he doesn't like. Thankfully I have one kid who doesn't care WHAT it is, he'll eat it ... love that boy!
A couple days ago, I got an email from a friend here telling me that her husband got a job offer in St. Louis and will be moving and gone by Aug 14th. So we planned to get together for this morning and let the kids play and catch up one last time before they leave. Very sad. They have been nice little playmates and Liz, the mom, has been a great blessing to me. We will miss them very much!
Look at me, blogging during naptime when I should be off I go!
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