Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Frustrations and Zumba

I'm very frustrated over this situation, so forgive me now please :)

The other day I got a call from our landlord saying that some people have complained about our garden table up front. Granted, we still have to cut the legs yet as they are too tall for comfort and have since held off the progress of actually getting plants IN it, but we are working on it.

Anyways, I told her, no problem, we can move it to the back, even though I'm not sure how well the (eventually planted) plants would do in the backyard given the lack of sun. But I told her we would make sure it got put in the back, no problem.

Then last night, they show up out of NOWHERE!!! Knocking on our door, without a call or anything, which is the SECOND time they've done that, and I can't stand it!!! In the lease agreement, it says they must give 24 hours notice if they will be coming over - so I'm frustrated ALREADY when they got here.

They start off immediately basically saying that the table's gotta go - we haven't moved it to the back yet because Paul sprained his knee last week and hasn't been able to move it - but they were aware of that and told me it was no rush. However, clearly some rich, snobby, old people in the neighborhood have such a huge deal with it being there, that it's a necessity now that we move it - which I don't completely understand the rush. It's not bothering ANYONE - they say that it's "making the neighborhood look bad" lol - WTH?!!? Do these people not have anything better to do? It's just a table!!!!

Anyways, to complete my rage and frustration, the landlord tells us that because of all our kids' outdoor toys and bikes and lawn chairs, etc, our front porch looks "trashy!" Omg, at this point I'm going to flip! I straight up told her WE HAVE KIDS! I have no where to put their play toys. She said why not let them play in the back - and I told her - if I had a nice fenced in back yard like everyone else, I would ... but instead I have ant hills every inch of the grass, bushes that are taking their own life forms, a tree that eliminates any "play" space, and a slope that goes straight down after 20 feet - there's no where for them to PLAY back there!!! So unless they want to build me a shed or storage, my kids' toys are staying up front!!! UGH

So, to conclude the night, I thought it would be best to go to Zumba and work off some frustrations - and I'm SO glad I did! I LOVED IT!!! It definitely helped me let go of the tension I was feeling and most of all, the emotional stress the hours before had created!

So there ya have it, a less than wonderful night for the Fritz Family :) or maybe just the Fritz Mommy!!!

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