Friday, we went to Paul's work picnic and one of his co-workers volunteered to do a babysitting swap! They'd watch our kids OVERNIGHT Friday and into Saturday, and we'd watch theirs for 4 hours Saturday ... sounds PERFECT to me!!
So we went home, took naps, ate dinner, and went to drop our little seedlings off :) It was their first official sleepover that wasn't at family's! I was slightly nervous, but knew that they'd be ok. And I knew there was a chance I'd be going back there at 11pm to pick them up, but I was fine enough to at least try ... after all, Paul and I haven't had a date night NIGHT in a loooong time!
So we dropped the kids off and headed downtown. Friday nights downtown is where the Fridays At Five are, it's where there's music, food vendors, face painters, etc are ... we went last weekend and that's where Kenna got her beautiful butterfly face painting :)
We walked around and had dinner, it was awesome not having to worry about slow little feet following and wandering. Then we went home and crashed haha, how romantic right?!
The next morning was our yard sale, so it was up bright and early for us! We did ok, but not nearly what I'd hoped for ... enough to pay for me to go get a mani/pedi while Paul headed off to babysit for our babysitters! How I have an awesome husband! Here's a couple pics of the madness at our house Saturday morning -
Sunday - church - awesome! I sang for the first time, at first nerve racking, then it all came back to me and turned out awesome!
After church we headed to Harrisonburg's Once Upon A Child to try to get rid of the rest of the baby clothing - like 8 tubs worth!!! They ended up taking maybe 50 pieces and not even clearing out ONE tub - so home we went with almost everything left :( Big Bummer!!!
After a light dinner once getting home, off we were to Paul's makeup softball game at 7pm. Here's the wonderfulness that came of that :)